Charlbury Grove is in London and in Ealing district. W5 2DY is located in the Ealing Broadway electoral ward, within the English Parliamentary constituency of Ealing Central and Acton. This postcode has been in use since 1980-01-01.
StreetScan combines information about Charlbury Grove, London, W5 2DY and displays a report on the quality of life in this place and its surroundings.
Nearby postcodes are: W5 2DU, W5 2DE, W5 2DQ, W5 2DG, W13 8NA, W5 2DW, W13 8NF, W5 2DD, W13 8JD.
In the UK, the overall gender distribution is approximately 49% male and 51% female. The area surrounding W5 2DY has a slightly higher male population, with 50.8% of residents being male. Several factors can contribute to this, including areas with industries or sectors that predominantly employ men, proximity to universities or technical schools with a higher enrollment of male students, presence of all-male or predominantly male institutions (military academies, boarding schools).
2011 | 2021 | 10y change (pp) | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
Female | 48.7% | 49.2% | 0.5% | 51.0% | -1.8% |
Male | 51.3% | 50.8% | -0.5% | 49.0% | 1.8% |
Across the UK, the average relationship status breakdown is roughly 44% married, 38% single, 9% divorced, 6% widowed, and 2% separated.
In the immediate area around W5 2DY, a significant portion of the population is single, making up 42.8% of the residents. On average, approximately 38% of individuals who responded to the census in the UK were single. Areas with higher single populations are typically urban centers, university towns, regions with dynamic job markets, rich cultural offerings and entertainment facilities. These regions also tend to have a younger demographic.
2011 | 2021 | 10y change (pp) | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
Single | 46.8% | 42.8% | -4.0% | 37.9% | 4.9% |
Married: Opposite sex | 31.5% | 44.4% | 12.9% | 44.2% | 0.2% |
Married: Same sex | 1.2% | 0% | -1.2% | 0.3% | -0.3% |
Separated | 2.4% | 2.6% | 0.2% | 2.2% | 0.4% |
Divorced | 6.8% | 5.1% | -1.7% | 9.1% | -4.0% |
Widowed | 11.5% | 5.1% | -6.4% | 6.1% | -1.0% |
Across the UK, the average 48.4% rated their health as Very Good, 33.6% as Good, 12.7% as Fair, 4% as Bad, and 1.2% as Very Bad.
Population age significantly impacts residents' health. Additionally, socioeconomic status plays a crucial role: higher income levels and lower poverty rates are linked to better health outcomes. Affluent areas benefit from higher living standards, access to private healthcare, and healthier lifestyle choices.
2011 | 2021 | 10y change (pp) | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
Very good health | 50.5% | 53.8% | 3.3% | 48.4% | 5.4% |
Good health | 33.8% | 28.5% | -5.3% | 33.6% | -5.1% |
Fair health | 11.4% | 16.3% | 4.9% | 12.7% | 3.6% |
Bad health | 4% | 1.4% | -2.6% | 4.0% | -2.6% |
Very bad health | 0.3% | 0% | -0.3% | 1.2% | -1.2% |
During the 2021 census, the educational qualifications of residents across the UK were as follows: 18.2% had no qualifications, 9.6% had 1-4 GCSEs, 13.4% had 5 or more GCSEs and 1-2 A/AS Levels, 16.9% had 2 or more A Levels, 33.8% held a degree (or equivalent), and 5.4% had completed an apprenticeship.
In the area around W5 2DY this area, 9.1% of residents have no qualifications. This is significantly lower than the UK average of 18.2%. This area stands out for its high percentage of residents with higher education degree or similar. The UK average is 33.8%, while in this area it is 67.8%.
2011 | 2021 | 10y change (pp) | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
No qualifications | 5% | 9.1% | 4.1% | 18.2% | -9.1% |
1-4 GCSEs or Equivalent | 2.9% | 2% | -0.9% | 9.6% | -7.6% |
5 or more GCSEs, an A-Level or 1-2 AS Levels | 5.9% | 5.5% | -0.4% | 13.4% | -7.9% |
Apprenticeship | 0.6% | 1.6% | 1.0% | 5.3% | -3.7% |
HNC, HND or 2+ A Levels | 7.6% | 10.4% | 2.8% | 16.9% | -6.5% |
Degree or Similar | 61.2% | 67.8% | 6.6% | 33.8% | 34.0% |
Other | 16.8% | 3.6% | -13.2% | 2.8% | 0.8% |
In this area, the population is more ethnically diverse compared to the UK average. While 72.7% of the residents identify as white, which is lower than the UK average of 81.4%, there are significant representations of other ethnic groups.
2011 | 2021 | 10y change (pp) | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
Bangladeshi | 0% | 1.1% | 1.1% | 1.1% | 0.0% |
Chinese | 3.3% | 1.4% | -1.9% | 0.7% | 0.7% |
Indian | 7.1% | 7% | -0.1% | 3.1% | 3.9% |
Pakistani | 0.8% | 0.3% | -0.5% | 2.7% | -2.4% |
Other Asian | 4.3% | 6.7% | 2.4% | 1.6% | 5.1% |
Black African | 1% | 2.2% | 1.2% | 2.5% | -0.3% |
Black Caribbean | 2.5% | 0.8% | -1.7% | 1.0% | -0.2% |
Other Black | 1% | 0% | -1.0% | 0.5% | -0.5% |
Mixed White and Asian | 2.3% | 1.7% | -0.6% | 0.8% | 0.9% |
Mixed White and African | 0.5% | 0.3% | -0.2% | 0.4% | -0.1% |
Mixed White and Caribbean | 0.5% | 0.8% | 0.3% | 0.9% | -0.1% |
Mixed Other | 2% | 0.8% | -1.2% | 0.8% | 0.0% |
White | 72.7% | 72.7% | 0.0% | 81.4% | -8.7% |
Arab | 1.5% | 0.3% | -1.2% | 0.6% | -0.3% |
Other | 0.5% | 3.9% | 3.4% | 1.6% | 2.3% |
In this area, 52.8% of the population were born in the United Kingdom, which is lower than the UK average of 83.2%.
2011 | 2021 | 10y change (pp) | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
United Kingdom | 56.6% | 52.8% | -3.8% | 83.2% | -30.4% |
European Union | 18.2% | 16.5% | -1.7% | 6.1% | 10.4% |
Rest of Europe | 2.3% | 5% | 2.7% | 0.8% | 4.2% |
Africa | 4.3% | 2.8% | -1.5% | 2.7% | 0.1% |
Middle East and Asia | 13.4% | 18.2% | 4.8% | 5.6% | 12.6% |
The Americas and the Caribbean | 3.3% | 2.8% | -0.5% | 1.3% | 1.5% |
Oceania | 2% | 2% | 0.0% | 0.3% | 1.7% |
2011 | 2021 | 10y change (pp) | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
Born in the UK | 52.5% | 52.8% | 0.3% | 83.2% | -30.4% |
10+ Years | 8.3% | 22.9% | 14.6% | 9.8% | 13.1% |
5-10 Years | 11.9% | 7% | -4.9% | 2.9% | 4.1% |
2-5 Years | 13.4% | 9.8% | -3.6% | 2.2% | 7.6% |
Less than 2 years | 13.9% | 7.5% | -6.4% | 1.9% | 5.6% |
2021 | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
United Kingdom | 64.3% | 76.7% | -12.4% |
Ireland | 2.2% | 0.6% | 1.6% |
France | 1.7% | 0.3% | 1.4% |
Germany | 0.3% | 0.2% | 0.1% |
Italy | 3.6% | 0.6% | 3.0% |
Portugal | 0.3% | 0.5% | -0.2% |
Spain | 0.8% | 0.4% | 0.4% |
Lithuania | 0.6% | 0.3% | 0.3% |
Poland | 2.2% | 1.3% | 0.9% |
Romania | 2.2% | 0.9% | 1.3% |
Other EU countries | 3.9% | 1.5% | 2.4% |
Other Europe | 2.8% | 0.2% | 2.6% |
Central and Western Africa | 0.3% | 0.3% | 0.0% |
South and Eastern Africa | 0.6% | 0.2% | 0.4% |
Middle East | 1.7% | 0.1% | 1.6% |
Eastern Asia | 4.2% | 0.3% | 3.9% |
Southern Asia | 1.4% | 1.2% | 0.2% |
South-East Asia | 0.8% | 0.2% | 0.6% |
North America and the Caribbean | 0.8% | 0.3% | 0.5% |
Central and South America | 0.6% | 0.2% | 0.4% |
Oceania | 0.3% | 0.1% | 0.2% |
No passport held | 4.5% | 13.5% | -9.0% |
2021 | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
No religion | 30% | 37.2% | -7.2% |
Christian | 49.4% | 46.2% | 3.2% |
Buddhist | 1.7% | 0.5% | 1.2% |
Hindu | 4.4% | 1.7% | 2.7% |
Jewish | 1.9% | 0.5% | 1.4% |
Muslim | 4.4% | 6.5% | -2.1% |
Sikh | 1.9% | 0.9% | 1.0% |
Other religion | 1.7% | 0.6% | 1.1% |
Not answered | 4.4% | 6.0% | -1.6% |
In 2023, 254 crimes were reported
near Charlbury Grove .
40% of streets in the UK are more dangerous.
This street can be considered not safe.
The most common type of crime was
violence and sexual offences. Crime rate was measured within a 0.5 mile radius of W5 2DY. Click here to see crime on map and more crime statistics for W5 2DY.
Crime statistics are based on data provided by Home Office through under the
Open Government Licence.
Households in this area have a much higher level of wealth compared to the average household in England and Wales. 98% of analyzed areas in England and Wales have lower average household annual income than this area.
Address | Sale Price | Sale Date | Price Estimate 2023 |
9 Charlbury Grove, London, Greater London Detached, an established residential building | £2,250,000 | 2021-09-30 | £2,141,853 |
5 Charlbury Grove, London, Greater London Detached, an established residential building | £2,300,000 | 2020-12-21 | £2,346,312 |
Flat 3 7 Charlbury Grove, London, Greater London Flats/Maisonettes, an established residential building | £750,000 | 2019-08-09 | £762,125 |
Flat 4 7 Charlbury Grove, London, Greater London Flats/Maisonettes, an established residential building | £640,000 | 2019-01-04 | £633,337 |
Flat 3 7 Charlbury Grove, London, Greater London Flats/Maisonettes, an established residential building | £670,000 | 2013-05-31 | £960,115 |
W5 2DY area has a high level of entrepreneurship. Only 24% of streets have higher percent of entrepreneur residents. 12% of population in this area is self-employed, while the average in the UK is 9.7%. High number of entrepreneurs usually leads to relatively high economic growth, higher paid jobs and better quality of life in the area.
W5 2DY area has a low unemployment rate. According to Census 2021, 2% residents of this area were unemployed, while the average in the UK was 4.83%. A low level of unemployment in an area indicates a strong job market, where most people who are seeking work can find employment. This generally reflects a healthy economy in the area.
Full-Time Employee | 116 |
Retired | 58 |
Self-Employed | 37 |
Part-Time Employee | 27 |
Other | 23 |
Student (economically inactive) | 19 |
Looking after home or family | 16 |
Unemployed | 6 |
Long-Term Sick or disabled | 5 |
Full-Time Student (with or without job) | 4 |
Professional, scientific and technical activities | 40 |
Information and communication | 35 |
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles | 22 |
Human health and social work activities | 20 |
Education | 14 |
Financial and insurance activities | 13 |
Administrative and support service activities | 12 |
Construction | 12 |
Accommodation and food service activities | 10 |
Manufacturing | 10 |
Transport and storage | 7 |
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security | 6 |
Other | 5 |
Real estate activities | 5 |
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities | 1 |
Mining and quarrying | 1 |
Ofsted Overall Effectiveness | Distance | Establishment Type | Has Nursery Classes | Gender | More Info | |
South Acton Childrens Centre Castle Close , Acton W3 8RX | 3out of 4 | 3,427 yd | Local authority nursery school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
Maples Nursery School and Children's Centre East Churchfield Road , Acton W3 7LL | 3out of 4 | 3,979 yd | Local authority nursery school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
Fawood Nursery School & Family Wellbeing Centre 35 Fawood Avenue , NW10 8DX | 3out of 4 | 4,665 yd | Local authority nursery school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
Grove House Nursery School & Children's Centre 77a North Road , North Road UB1 2JG | 4out of 4 | 4,715 yd | Local authority nursery school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
Ofsted Overall Effectiveness | Distance | Establishment Type | Has Nursery Classes | Gender | More Info | |
St Gregory's Catholic Primary School Woodfield Road , Ealing W5 1SL | 2out of 4 | 671 yd | Voluntary aided school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
Montpelier Primary School Montpelier Road , Ealing W5 2QT | 4out of 4 | 735 yd | Community school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
Christ the Saviour Church of England Primary School 1 Springbridge Road , Ealing Broadway W5 2AA | 4out of 4 | 808 yd | Voluntary aided school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
North Ealing Primary School Pitshanger Lane , Ealing W5 1RP | 3out of 4 | 927 yd | Community school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
Drayton Green Primary School Drayton Grove , West Ealing W13 0LA | 3out of 4 | 1,169 yd | Community school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
Ofsted Overall Effectiveness | Distance | Establishment Type | Has Nursery Classes | Gender | More Info | |
Ada Lovelace Church of England High School Park View Road , Ealing W5 2JX | - not rated | 1,363 yd | Free schools | Not Applicable | Mixed | More About School |
The Ellen Wilkinson School for Girls Queen's Drive , Acton W3 0HW | 4out of 4 | 1,783 yd | Foundation school | No | Girls | More About School |
Drayton Manor High School Drayton Bridge Road , Hanwell W7 1EU | 4out of 4 | 1,917 yd | Academy converter | Not Applicable | Mixed | More About School |
Brentside High School Greenford Avenue , Hanwell W7 1JJ | 3out of 4 | 2,329 yd | Foundation school | No | Mixed | More About School |
Elthorne Park High School Westlea Road , Hanwell W7 2AH | 4out of 4 | 2,767 yd | Community school | No | Mixed | More About School |
Ofsted Overall Effectiveness | Distance | Establishment Type | Has Nursery Classes | Gender | More Info | |
Nishkam School West London 152 Syon Lane , TW7 5PN | 4out of 4 | 4,415 yd | Free schools | No | Mixed | More About School |
Ofsted Overall Effectiveness | Distance | Establishment Type | Has Nursery Classes | Gender | More Info | |
St Benedict's School 54 Eaton Rise , Ealing W5 2ES | - not rated | 320 yd | Other independent school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
Notting Hill & Ealing High School 2 Cleveland Road , London W13 8AX | - not rated | 442 yd | Other independent school | No | Girls | More About School |
Harvington Prep School 20 Castlebar Road , Ealing W5 2DS | - not rated | 459 yd | Other independent school | Yes | Girls | More About School |
Durston House School 12-14 Castlebar Road , Ealing W5 2DR | - not rated | 471 yd | Other independent school | No | Boys | More About School |
Avenue House School 70 The Avenue , W13 8LS | - not rated | 689 yd | Other independent school | No | Mixed | More About School |
School statistics for this postcode are based on Ofsted rankings.
Business Name | Address | Food hygiene rating | Distance |
Ealing Abbey | St Benedicts Abbey, Charlbury Grove | 1 yd | |
BrewDog Ealing | Unit 19, Dickens Yard | 670 yd | |
W5 Collective | Unit 3, Dickens Yard | 680 yd | |
COJU | Unit 26 To 28, Dickens Yard | 680 yd | |
Polka Kitchen | Unit 25, Dickens Yard | 682 yd |
Business Name | Address | Food hygiene rating | Distance |
Benet Club | St Benedicts Parish Office, 2 Marchwood Crescent | 178 yd | |
St Benedicts Mens Club | Welsby Court, Eaton Rise | 360 yd | |
The Riding Wine Company | Unit 21, Dickens Yard | 709 yd | |
No. 17 | Unit 17, Dickens Yard | 709 yd | |
Shanakee | The Shanakee, 9-10 Central Buildings | 747 yd |
Business Name | Address | Food hygiene rating | Distance |
Laroash | 46 Haven Green, Ealing | 739 yd | |
The Beauty Garden | 49 New Broadway, Ealing | 785 yd | |
Farm W5 Food Stand | 35 New Broadway, Ealing | 817 yd | |
Taste Roti Rolls Hut | Unit 8, 33 New Broadway | 817 yd | |
D'licious Cafe | 51 Ealing Broadway Centre, The Broadway | 828 yd |
Business Name | Address | Food hygiene rating | Distance |
Tesco | 3 - 4 The Parade, Haven Green | 693 yd | |
Morrisons | Unit 3, The Arcadia Centre | 745 yd | |
Sainsbury's | 30 - 33 The Broadway, Ealing | 805 yd | |
Marks & Spencer | 69 - 79 Ealing Broadway Centre, The Broadway | 849 yd | |
Co-Op Welcome | 107 - 109 Pitshanger Lane, Ealing | 906 yd |
Facility Name | Sport Objects | Distance |
St Benedicts School EATON RISE | health and fitness suite | 297 yd |
Notting Hill & Ealing High School CLEVELAND ROAD | artificial grass pitch, health and fitness suite, swimming pool | 574 yd |
Ealing Squash & Fitness Club (Closed) HAVEN GREEN | health and fitness suite, squash courts | 754 yd |
Ealing Cricket Club CORFTON ROAD | grass pitches | 840 yd |
Eden Fitness CAVALIER HOUSE CAVALIER HOUSE UXBRIDGE ROAD | health and fitness suite, swimming pool | 857 yd |
Ymca (West London) (Closed) 14-16 14-16 Bond Street | health and fitness suite | 885 yd |
Nuffield Health (Ealing) UNIT 33 UNIT 33 THE BROADWAY | health and fitness suite, swimming pool | 973 yd |
The Gym (London Ealing) LOVELACE HOUSE 96-122 LOVELACE HOUSE 96-122 UXBRIDGE ROAD | health and fitness suite | 1,051 yd |
Energize Fitness Centre (Ealing Campus) (Closed) Ealing Green | health and fitness suite | 1,083 yd |
This statistics are based on Active Places Data - Contains Data © Sport England
Percentage of premises that have Superfast Broadband (30Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband | 100.0% |
Percentage of premises that have Ultrafast Broadband (100Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband | 90.9% |
Percentage of premises that have Ultrafast Broadband (300Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband | 90.9% |
Percentage of premises that have coverage from a Gigabit capable service from fixed broadband | 90.9% |
Percentage of premises unable to receive 2Mbit/s | 0.0% |
Percentage of premises unable to receive 5Mbit/s | 0.0% |
Percentage of premises unable to receive 10Mbit/s | 0.0% |
Percentage of premises unable to receive 30Mbit/s | 0.0% |
Median download speed | 79.8 Mbit/s |
Average download speed | 303.2 Mbit/s |
Minimum download speed | 1000 Mbit/s |
Maximum download speed | 1000 Mbit/s |
Median upload speed | 20 Mbit/s |
Average upload speed | 27.5 Mbit/s |
Maximum upload speed | 50 Mbit/s |
Broadband statistics are based on Ofcom's Communications Market Report (CMR) 2022.