Fillingham Crescent is in Cleethorpes and in North East Lincolnshire district. DN35 0JD is located in the Haverstoe electoral ward, within the English Parliamentary constituency of Cleethorpes. This postcode has been in use since 1980-01-01.
StreetScan combines information about Fillingham Crescent, Cleethorpes, DN35 0JD and displays a report on the quality of life in this place and its surroundings.

Nearby postcodes are: DN35 0JL, DN35 0JB, DN35 0JY, DN35 0JG, DN35 0JX, DN35 0LA, DN35 0JJ, DN35 0JA, DN35 0JE.

Fillingham Crescent Street Report

Property Prices

Average property prices on Fillingham Crescent are based on 55 property sales since the beginning of 1995. Estimated property prices are calculated by adjusting the last sale price by current House Price Index for North East Lincolnshire.
StreetScan downloads house price data directly from the HM Land Registry and uses it to create these statistics.

Estimated Average Property Prices for DN35 0JD

Average Price
no sales
no sales
no sales

Estimated Average Property Prices for Fillingham Crescent

Average Price
no sales
no sales
no sales
no sales
no sales

Property Prices Comparison

Latest Property Sales on Fillingham CrescentStreet

Address Sale Price Sale Date Price Estimate 2023
10 Fillingham Crescent, Cleethorpes, North East Lincolnshire
Detached, an established residential building
£173,5002020-08-19 £204,447
8 Fillingham Crescent, Cleethorpes, North East Lincolnshire
Semi-Detached, an established residential building
£177,5002018-05-16 £224,478
2 Fillingham Crescent, Cleethorpes, North East Lincolnshire
Semi-Detached, an established residential building
£141,0002010-11-30 £201,261
8 Fillingham Crescent, Cleethorpes, North East Lincolnshire
Semi-Detached, an established residential building
£135,0002006-12-07 £184,754
12 Fillingham Crescent, Cleethorpes, North East Lincolnshire
Detached, an established residential building
£147,0002005-11-17 £228,575



Ofsted Overall Effectiveness Distance Establishment Type Has Nursery Classes Gender More Info
4out of 4Scartho Nursery School
Pinfold Lane, Scartho DN33 2EW
4,782 yd Local authority nursery school Yes Mixed More About School


Ofsted Overall Effectiveness Distance Establishment Type Has Nursery Classes Gender More Info
4out of 4Signhills Academy
Hardys Road, DN35 0DN
371 yd Academy converter No Mixed More About School
3out of 4Signhills Infant Academy
Hardys Road, DN35 0DN
371 yd Academy converter No Mixed More About School
3out of 4Thrunscoe Primary and Nursery Academy
Trinity Road, DN35 8UL
885 yd Academy converter Yes Mixed More About School
4out of 4Middlethorpe Primary Academy
Highthorpe Crescent, DN35 9PY
1,140 yd Academy converter No Mixed More About School
3out of 4St Peter's CofE Primary School
Cambridge Street, DN35 8LW
1,416 yd Academy converter No Mixed More About School


Ofsted Overall Effectiveness Distance Establishment Type Has Nursery Classes Gender More Info
3out of 4Cleethorpes Academy
Grainsby Avenue, DN35 9NX
885 yd Academy sponsor led Not Applicable Mixed More About School
3out of 4Beacon Academy
Chatsworth Place, DN35 9NF
1,613 yd Academy sponsor led No Mixed More About School
4out of 4Humberston Academy
Humberston Avenue, Humberston DN36 4TF
2,152 yd Academy converter Not Applicable Mixed More About School
2out of 4Havelock Academy
Holyoake Road, DN32 8JH
2,320 yd Academy sponsor led Not Applicable Mixed More About School
3out of 4Oasis Academy Wintringham
Weelsby Avenue, DN32 0AZ
3,732 yd Academy sponsor led Not Applicable Mixed More About School

16 plus

Ofsted Overall Effectiveness Distance Establishment Type Has Nursery Classes Gender More Info
- not ratedTEC Partnership
Nuns Corner, DN34 5BQ
4,928 yd Further education Not Applicable Mixed More About School

Not applicable

Ofsted Overall Effectiveness Distance Establishment Type Has Nursery Classes Gender More Info
4out of 4Humberston Park School
St Thomas Close, Humberston DN36 4HS
2,062 yd Academy special converter Yes Mixed More About School
- not ratedLinkage College
Weelsby Campus, Weelsby Road DN32 9RU
2,927 yd Special post 16 institution Not Applicable Mixed More About School
3out of 4Phoenix Park Academy
Harold Street, DN32 7NQ
3,440 yd Academy alternative provision sponsor led No Mixed More About School
- not ratedSpecial Educational Needs Support Service (Senss)
Holme Hill Education Centre, Wellington Street DN32 7DZ
4,138 yd Miscellaneous Not Applicable Mixed More About School
- not ratedLearning4Life-GY
155-159 Freeman Street, Grimsby DN32 7AP
4,400 yd Other independent school No Mixed More About School

School statistics for this postcode are based on Ofsted rankings.

Food and Drink

Restaurants, Cafes, Canteens

Business Name Address Food hygiene rating Distance
Haverstoe Park PavilionHaverstoe Park Pavilion, Aldrich Road366 yd
Parkway CinemaParkway Cinema, Kings Road743 yd
SubwayKings Road743 yd
Meridian Road Caf¿¿Meridian Road775 yd
Emma's Kitchen - The Bus CafeBoating Lake Car Park775 yd

Pubs, Bars, Nightclubs

Business Name Address Food hygiene rating Distance
Cleethorpes Cricket ClubChichester Road452 yd
Cleethorpes Ten Pin BowlCleethorpes Ten-Pin Bowl, Kings Road743 yd
The Signal Box InnMiniture Railway, Kings Road829 yd
Kings Royal Hotel20-21 Kingsway1,086 yd

Takeaway, Sandwich Shops

Business Name Address Food hygiene rating Distance
Freshly FilledHardys Road317 yd
Golden Phoenix84 Hardys Road318 yd
Verona PizzeriaHardys Road318 yd
Hardys Fish and ChipsHardys Road318 yd
The PlaiceTrinity Road655 yd


Facility Name Sport Objects Distance
Signhills Academy
grass pitches, swimming pool284 yd
Cleethorpes Cricket Club
grass pitches, squash courts496 yd
Haverstoe Park
Haverstoe Park Haverstoe Park Aldrich Road
grass pitches, tennis courts503 yd
King George V Playing Field
grass pitches572 yd
Burn Fitness
health and fitness suite829 yd
Cleethorpes Leisure Centre
health and fitness suite, squash courts, swimming pool876 yd
Cleethorpes Academy
Grainsby Avenue
grass pitches986 yd

This statistics are based on Active Places Data - Contains Data © Sport England


Technology Aviability

Percentage of premises that have Superfast Broadband (30Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband 100.0%
Percentage of premises that have Ultrafast Broadband (100Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband 100.0%
Percentage of premises that have Ultrafast Broadband (300Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband 100.0%
Percentage of premises that have coverage from a Gigabit capable service from fixed broadband 100.0%

Speed Aviability

Percentage of premises unable to receive 2Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 5Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 10Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 30Mbit/s0.0%

Broadband statistics are based on Ofcom's Communications Market Report (CMR) 2022.


Is Fillingham Crescent Street dangerous?

In 2023, 74 crimes were reported near Fillingham Crescent . 65% of streets in the UK are more dangerous. This street can be considered safe. The most common type of crime was violence and sexual offences. Crime rate was measured within a 0.5 mile radius of DN35 0JD.

Crime statistics are based on data provided by Home Office through under the Open Government Licence.

Crime Statistics

All Crimes 74
Violence And Sexual Offences 23
Public Order 15
Anti Social Behaviour 15
Burglary 9
Criminal Damage And Arson 4
Other Theft 4
Vehicle Crime 3
Other Crime 1

List of latest crimes

List of latest crimes committed within a 0.5 mile radius of the center of DN35 0JD.

MonthCrime TypeOutcomeLocationDistance
2023-12Vehicle crimeUnder investigationOn or near Beesby Drive86 yd
2023-11Criminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedOn or near Park/Open Space184 yd
2023-11Other crimeAwaiting court outcomeOn or near Scrivelsby Court511 yd
2023-11Other crimeUnder investigationOn or near Scrivelsby Court511 yd
2023-11Public orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedOn or near Park/Open Space184 yd
2023-11Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectOn or near Scrivelsby Court511 yd
2023-11Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectOn or near Pearson Road173 yd
2023-11Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectOn or near Pearson Road173 yd
2023-10Public orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedOn or near Park/Open Space184 yd
2023-10Anti-social behaviourOn or near Minshull Road283 yd


The percentage of retired residents living in DN35 0JD area is much higher than the country's average. According to Census 2011, 35% residents of this area were retired, while the average in the UK was 14%.

Economic Activity

Full-Time Employee64
Part-Time Employee31
Looking after home or family10
Student (economically inactive)7
Long-Term Sick or disabled7
Full-Time Student (with or without job)1

Employment Industry

Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles29
Human health and social work activities16
Transport and storage8
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security7
Accommodation and food service activities6
Professional, scientific and technical activities5
Information and communication3
Agriculture, forestry and fishing3
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 3
Mining and quarrying2
Real estate activities2
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities1
Financial and insurance activities1
Administrative and support service activities1




Partnership Status

Married: Opposite sex156


Very good health138
Good health112
Fair health28
Bad health8

Education and Qualifications

No qualifications38
1-4 GCSEs or Equivalent 24
5 or more GCSEs, an A-Level or 1-2 AS Levels 30
HNC, HND or 2+ A Levels 42
Degree or Similar 73


Ethnic Group

Mixed White and Caribbean1

Country of Birth

United Kingdom280
European Union6
Rest of Europe1

Length of Residence

Born in the UK280
10+ Years6
Less than 2 years2

Passport Held

United Kingdom243
No passport held43


No religion102
Other religion2
Not answered14