Overall crime rate on Horizon Close in Brighton near BN41 1UA is 74% lower than crime rate in Brighton and 1% lower than national overall crime level.

Violent crime rate is 67% lower than Brighton average but 14% higher than national average.

Property crime rate is 79% lower than Brighton property crime rate and 20% lower than national average.

Public order crime level is 70% lower than Brighton average but 12% higher than national average.

Level of crime connected with drugs and guns is 85% lower than Brighton average and 14% lower than national average.

View Resident Information for Horizon Close, Portslade, Brighton, BN41 1UA
Click on the map to change the analyzed area

Crime Index Comparing to National Average

Property CrimesCRIME RATE INDEX0.80
Public Order CrimesCRIME RATE INDEX1.12
Violent CrimesCRIME RATE INDEX1.14
Drugs And GunsCRIME RATE INDEX0.86

Crime Index Comparing to Brighton Average

Property CrimesCRIME RATE INDEX0.21
Public Order CrimesCRIME RATE INDEX0.30
Violent CrimesCRIME RATE INDEX0.33
Drugs And GunsCRIME RATE INDEX0.15
The Crime Rate Index shows how crime levels in BN41 1UA postcode area compare to the national and city average.
Crime Rate Index 1.0 equals average, 2.0 equals double, 0.5 equals half etc.

List of Crimes Near BN41 1UA

MonthCrime TypeOutcomeLocationDistance
2024-04Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Public orderUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationRomany Close58 yd
2024-04Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Theft from the personUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Possession of weaponsUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationBeaconsfield Road289 yd
2024-04Possession of weaponsUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Other theftUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Other theftUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Criminal damage and arsonUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Criminal damage and arsonUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04BurglaryUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Anti-social behaviourGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-04Other theftUnder investigationHighlands Road89 yd
2024-04Public orderAwaiting court outcomeBeaconsfield Road289 yd
2024-03Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-03Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationPark Close159 yd
2024-03Anti-social behaviourGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-03Public orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-03Public orderAwaiting court outcomeBeaconsfield Road289 yd
2024-03Public orderUnder investigationBeaconsfield Road289 yd
2024-03Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationBeaconsfield Road289 yd
2024-03Anti-social behaviourParking Area295 yd
2024-03Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationRomany Close58 yd
2024-03Criminal damage and arsonLocal resolutionGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-03Other theftUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-03Anti-social behaviourGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-03Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectBeaconsfield Road289 yd
2024-03Anti-social behaviourGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-03Public orderUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-03Public orderUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-03Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-03Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectBeaconsfield Road289 yd
2024-02Violence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedBenfield Close269 yd
2024-02Other crimeUnable to prosecute suspectForedown Drive259 yd
2024-02Public orderUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-02Violence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedSports/Recreation Area185 yd
2024-02Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-02Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationHayes Close150 yd
2024-02Anti-social behaviourHayes Close150 yd
2024-02Anti-social behaviourHayes Close150 yd
2024-02Violence and sexual offencesFurther investigation is not in the public interestHayes Close150 yd
2024-02Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectHayes Close150 yd
2024-02Criminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedRomany Close58 yd
2024-02Anti-social behaviourHighlands Road89 yd
2024-02Anti-social behaviourRomany Close58 yd
2024-01Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-01Anti-social behaviourGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-01BurglaryUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-01Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-01Violence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-01Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-01Violence and sexual offencesUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2024-01Anti-social behaviourHighlands Road89 yd
2024-01DrugsUnder investigationRomany Close58 yd
2024-01Anti-social behaviourHayes Close150 yd
2023-12Criminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-12Violence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedForedown Drive259 yd
2023-12Other theftUnder investigationGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-12Public orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-12Vehicle crimeInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedPark Close159 yd
2023-12Criminal damage and arsonUnable to prosecute suspectForedown Drive259 yd
2023-12Public orderUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-11Anti-social behaviourGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-11Bicycle theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-11BurglaryUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-11Other theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-11Possession of weaponsStatus update unavailableGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-11Public orderUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-11Public orderUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-11Violence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailableGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-11Vehicle crimeInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedBeaconsfield Road289 yd
2023-11Anti-social behaviourGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-11Criminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedParking Area292 yd
2023-10Violence and sexual offencesAwaiting court outcomeGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-10Other crimeStatus update unavailableGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-10Public orderAwaiting court outcomeGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-10Criminal damage and arsonAwaiting court outcomeGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-10BurglaryStatus update unavailableGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-10Public orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedHayes Close150 yd
2023-10Public orderInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedBenfield Crescent304 yd
2023-10Violence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailableBeaconsfield Road289 yd
2023-10Violence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailableGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-09Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-09Violence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-09Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-09Criminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-08Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectHighlands Road89 yd
2023-08Other theftUnable to prosecute suspectHighlands Road89 yd
2023-08Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-08Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-08Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-08Anti-social behaviourGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-08Other theftUnable to prosecute suspectBenfield Close269 yd
2023-08Violence and sexual offencesFurther investigation is not in the public interestForedown Drive259 yd
2023-08Anti-social behaviourHayes Close150 yd
2023-08Other theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-08Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-08Public orderUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-08RobberyUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-08Theft from the personUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-08Violence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-08Violence and sexual offencesFurther investigation is not in the public interestGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-08Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectForedown Drive259 yd
2023-07Criminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedHighlands Road89 yd
2023-07Anti-social behaviourHighlands Road89 yd
2023-07Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectForedown Drive259 yd
2023-07Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectForedown Drive259 yd
2023-07Violence and sexual offencesLocal resolutionHayes Close150 yd
2023-07Theft from the personInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedBeaconsfield Road289 yd
2023-07Violence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedRomany Close58 yd
2023-07Other theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-07Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectPark Close159 yd
2023-07Criminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedPark Close159 yd
2023-07Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-07Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-07Public orderUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-07Public orderUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-07Criminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-07Criminal damage and arsonInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-07BurglaryStatus update unavailableGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-07Anti-social behaviourGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-07Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectBeaconsfield Road289 yd
2023-06RobberyUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-06Anti-social behaviourParking Area295 yd
2023-06Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-06Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-06Violence and sexual offencesInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-06Violence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailableRomany Close58 yd
2023-06Public orderUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-06Other theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-06Anti-social behaviourRomany Close58 yd
2023-06Violence and sexual offencesStatus update unavailableRomany Close58 yd
2023-06Anti-social behaviourHighlands Road89 yd
2023-05Anti-social behaviourPark Close159 yd
2023-05Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectBeaconsfield Road289 yd
2023-05Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectBeaconsfield Road289 yd
2023-05Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectPark Close159 yd
2023-05Other theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-05Other theftUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-05Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-05Other theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-05DrugsOffender given a cautionHighlands Road89 yd
2023-05Other theftInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-05Public orderUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-05Other theftUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-05RobberyUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-05Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-04Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectHayes Close150 yd
2023-04Anti-social behaviourGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-04Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectRomany Close58 yd
2023-04RobberyUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-04Violence and sexual offencesUnable to prosecute suspectGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
2023-04Anti-social behaviourHighlands Road89 yd
2023-04BurglaryInvestigation complete; no suspect identifiedRomany Close58 yd
2023-04Anti-social behaviourGeorge Williams Mews108 yd
Crime statistics are usually delayed by 2-3 months.
Crime statistics are based on data provided by Home Office through data.police.uk under the Open Government Licence.

Crime Type (Last 12 Months)

Violence And Sexual Offences 129
Public Order 46
Anti Social Behaviour 42
Criminal Damage And Arson 39
Shoplifting 31
Other Theft 29
Burglary 10
Vehicle Crime 7
Robbery 7
Other Crime 7
Drugs 6
Possession Of Weapons 4
Bicycle Theft 2
Theft From The Person 2
Violent Crime 0
Public Disorder And Weapons 0
Sum 361

Crime Over Time in BN41 1UA and Brighton

The chart above displays the percentage distribution of crime types over the years near Horizon Close, Portslade, Brighton, BN41 1UA. It enables you to identify the most common crime in your area and track changes in crime trends over time.

See Also