Ysgol Gynradd Henllan is a school located in Sir Ddinbych.

Check Ysgol Gynradd Henllan location rating (nearby schools, safety, property prices, sport facilities etc.
Ffordd Dinbych, Sir Ddinbych

School Information

Address: Ffordd Dinbych, Sir Ddinbych, LL16 5AW
Telephone: 01745812959
School Type: Welsh establishment
Education phase: Not applicable
Local authority: Denbighshire
Headteacher / Principal:
Religious character:
Admissions policy:
Unique reference: 400277



Age Range: -
Gender: Not applicable
School Capacity:
Number of Pupils:
Number of Boys:
Number of Girls:

Nearby Schools

StreetScan database contains only schools in England. In the nearest future, we plan to expand our school base with schools from Wales and Scotland.

School statistics for this postcode are based on Ofsted rankings.