Channells Hill is in Westbury On Trym, Bristol and in City Of Bristol district. BS9 3HZ is located in the Westbury-on-Trym and Henleaze electoral ward, within the English Parliamentary constituency of Bristol North West. This postcode has been in use since 1980-01-01.
StreetScan combines information about Channells Hill, Westbury On Trym, Bristol, BS9 3HZ and displays a report on the quality of life in this place and its surroundings.
Nearby postcodes are: BS9 3HT, BS9 3EW, BS9 3HB, BS9 3HU, BS9 3HP, BS9 3HD, BS9 3FG, BS9 3EN, BS9 3EU.
In the UK, the overall gender distribution is approximately 49% male and 51% female. However, the area surrounding BS9 3HZ, has a female population slightly higher than UK average, with 54.6% of residents being female. Several factors can contribute to this. Women generally live longer than men, resulting in a higher proportion of women in neighborhoods with significant elderly populations. Typically, as people grow older, they tend to relocate from city center addresses to suburban areas, smaller towns, and rural locations. Consequently, these areas often have a higher number of females. A higher female population can also be found in areas with industries that employ more women, such as healthcare, education, and retail.
2011 | 2021 | 10y change (pp) | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
Female | 54.4% | 54.6% | 0.2% | 51.0% | 3.6% |
Male | 45.6% | 45.4% | -0.2% | 49.0% | -3.6% |
Across the UK, the average relationship status breakdown is roughly 44% married, 38% single, 9% divorced, 6% widowed, and 2% separated.
In the immediate vicinity of BS9 3HZ there is a very large concentration of residents that are married - 62% of the resident population. In contrast, the average marriage rate across the census is about 44%.
Areas with a high percentage of married residents are typically suburban neighborhoods, towns with good schools and family-friendly amenities, and regions with affordable, spacious housing options. Additionally, such areas can be popular among retirees.
2011 | 2021 | 10y change (pp) | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
Single | 18.9% | 20.8% | 1.9% | 37.9% | -17.1% |
Married: Opposite sex | 61.1% | 62% | 0.9% | 44.2% | 17.8% |
Separated | 1.4% | 1.3% | -0.1% | 2.2% | -0.9% |
Divorced | 8.4% | 7.5% | -0.9% | 9.1% | -1.6% |
Widowed | 10.1% | 8.4% | -1.7% | 6.1% | 2.3% |
Across the UK, the average 48.4% rated their health as Very Good, 33.6% as Good, 12.7% as Fair, 4% as Bad, and 1.2% as Very Bad.
Population age significantly impacts residents' health. Additionally, socioeconomic status plays a crucial role: higher income levels and lower poverty rates are linked to better health outcomes. Affluent areas benefit from higher living standards, access to private healthcare, and healthier lifestyle choices.
2011 | 2021 | 10y change (pp) | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
Very good health | 53.3% | 53.1% | -0.2% | 48.4% | 4.7% |
Good health | 28.8% | 30% | 1.2% | 33.6% | -3.6% |
Fair health | 11.1% | 12.7% | 1.6% | 12.7% | 0.0% |
Bad health | 5.4% | 2.9% | -2.5% | 4.0% | -1.1% |
Very bad health | 1.4% | 1.3% | -0.1% | 1.2% | 0.1% |
During the 2021 census, the educational qualifications of residents across the UK were as follows: 18.2% had no qualifications, 9.6% had 1-4 GCSEs, 13.4% had 5 or more GCSEs and 1-2 A/AS Levels, 16.9% had 2 or more A Levels, 33.8% held a degree (or equivalent), and 5.4% had completed an apprenticeship.
This area stands out for its high percentage of residents with higher education degree or similar. The UK average is 33.8%, while in this area it is 56%.
2011 | 2021 | 10y change (pp) | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
No qualifications | 15.2% | 11% | -4.2% | 18.2% | -7.2% |
1-4 GCSEs or Equivalent | 7.4% | 5.2% | -2.2% | 9.6% | -4.4% |
5 or more GCSEs, an A-Level or 1-2 AS Levels | 8.8% | 8.4% | -0.4% | 13.4% | -5.0% |
Apprenticeship | 3.4% | 3.6% | 0.2% | 5.3% | -1.7% |
HNC, HND or 2+ A Levels | 12.2% | 13.3% | 1.1% | 16.9% | -3.6% |
Degree or Similar | 50.3% | 56% | 5.7% | 33.8% | 22.2% |
Other | 2.7% | 2.6% | -0.1% | 2.8% | -0.2% |
In this area, the population is predominantly white, with 94.2% identifying as such, significantly higher than the UK average of 81.4%. This indicates a lower level of ethnic diversity compared to the broader UK population.
2011 | 2021 | 10y change (pp) | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
Indian | 0.6% | 0.8% | 0.2% | 3.1% | -2.3% |
Other Asian | 0% | 0.5% | 0.5% | 1.6% | -1.1% |
Black Caribbean | 0.6% | 0% | -0.6% | 1.0% | -1.0% |
Mixed White and Asian | 0.6% | 1.3% | 0.7% | 0.8% | 0.5% |
Mixed White and Caribbean | 2.3% | 0.8% | -1.5% | 0.9% | -0.1% |
Mixed Other | 0.3% | 0.5% | 0.2% | 0.8% | -0.3% |
White | 94.9% | 94.2% | -0.7% | 81.4% | 12.8% |
Other | 0.9% | 1.9% | 1.0% | 1.6% | 0.3% |
In this area, 90% of the population were born in the United Kingdom, which is similar to the UK average of 83.2%.
2011 | 2021 | 10y change (pp) | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
United Kingdom | 94% | 90% | -4.0% | 83.2% | 6.8% |
European Union | 2.3% | 6.6% | 4.3% | 6.1% | 0.5% |
Rest of Europe | 0.6% | 0.3% | -0.3% | 0.8% | -0.5% |
Africa | 0.6% | 0.3% | -0.3% | 2.7% | -2.4% |
Middle East and Asia | 1.4% | 1.8% | 0.4% | 5.6% | -3.8% |
The Americas and the Caribbean | 0.9% | 0.8% | -0.1% | 1.3% | -0.5% |
Oceania | 0.3% | 0.3% | 0.0% | 0.3% | 0.0% |
2011 | 2021 | 10y change (pp) | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
Born in the UK | 92.9% | 90.5% | -2.4% | 83.2% | 7.3% |
10+ Years | 0.6% | 6.6% | 6.0% | 9.8% | -3.2% |
2-5 Years | 0.3% | 2.1% | 1.8% | 2.2% | -0.1% |
Less than 2 years | 6.3% | 0.8% | -5.5% | 1.9% | -1.1% |
2021 | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
United Kingdom | 83% | 76.7% | 6.3% |
Ireland | 0.3% | 0.6% | -0.3% |
France | 0.3% | 0.3% | 0.0% |
Italy | 0.3% | 0.6% | -0.3% |
Poland | 0.3% | 1.3% | -1.0% |
Romania | 1.1% | 0.9% | 0.2% |
Other EU countries | 1.1% | 1.5% | -0.4% |
Southern Asia | 0.5% | 1.2% | -0.7% |
North America and the Caribbean | 0.3% | 0.3% | 0.0% |
Central and South America | 0.3% | 0.2% | 0.1% |
No passport held | 12.8% | 13.5% | -0.7% |
2021 | UK Average | postcode vs UK (pp) | |
No religion | 41.3% | 37.2% | 4.1% |
Christian | 49.5% | 46.2% | 3.3% |
Buddhist | 1.6% | 0.5% | 1.1% |
Hindu | 1.1% | 1.7% | -0.6% |
Other religion | 1.1% | 0.6% | 0.5% |
Not answered | 5.6% | 6.0% | -0.4% |
In 2023, 392 crimes were reported
near Channells Hill .
34% of streets in the UK are more dangerous.
This street can be considered not safe.
The most common type of crime was
shoplifting. Crime rate was measured within a 0.5 mile radius of BS9 3HZ. Click here to see crime on map and more crime statistics for BS9 3HZ.
Crime statistics are based on data provided by Home Office through under the
Open Government Licence.
Households in this area have a higher level of wealth to the average household in England and Wales. 88% of analyzed areas in England and Wales have lower average household annual income than this area.
Address | Sale Price | Sale Date | Price Estimate 2023 |
The Glade Channells Hill, Bristol, City Of Bristol Detached, an established residential building | £483,500 | 2017-04-19 | £711,212 |
BS9 3HZ area has a low unemployment rate. According to Census 2021, 2% residents of this area were unemployed, while the average in the UK was 4.83%. A low level of unemployment in an area indicates a strong job market, where most people who are seeking work can find employment. This generally reflects a healthy economy in the area.
The percentage of retired residents living in BS9 3HZ area is much higher than the country's average. According to Census 2011, 37% residents of this area were retired, while the average in the UK was 14%.
Retired | 115 |
Full-Time Employee | 77 |
Part-Time Employee | 29 |
Self-Employed | 29 |
Long-Term Sick or disabled | 27 |
Student (economically inactive) | 9 |
Looking after home or family | 9 |
Full-Time Student (with or without job) | 7 |
Unemployed | 6 |
Other | 0 |
Human health and social work activities | 23 |
Education | 22 |
Professional, scientific and technical activities | 20 |
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles | 18 |
Manufacturing | 16 |
Information and communication | 13 |
Other | 11 |
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security | 10 |
Financial and insurance activities | 10 |
Construction | 7 |
Administrative and support service activities | 6 |
Accommodation and food service activities | 4 |
Real estate activities | 3 |
Transport and storage | 2 |
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply | 2 |
Ofsted Overall Effectiveness | Distance | Establishment Type | Has Nursery Classes | Gender | More Info | |
Filton Avenue Nursery School Blakeney Road , Horfield BS7 0DL | 4out of 4 | 3,172 yd | Local authority nursery school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
St Werburghs Park Nursery School Glenfrome Road , St Werburgh's BS2 9UX | 3out of 4 | 4,500 yd | Local authority nursery school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
St Pauls Nursery School & Children's Centre Little Bishop Street , St Paul's BS2 9JF | 4out of 4 | 4,728 yd | Local authority nursery school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
Rosemary Nursery School and Children's Centre Haviland House , St Judes BS2 0DT | 4out of 4 | 5,404 yd | Local authority nursery school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
Ofsted Overall Effectiveness | Distance | Establishment Type | Has Nursery Classes | Gender | More Info | |
Westbury-On-Trym Church of England Academy Channells Hill , Westbury-on-Trym BS9 3HZ | 3out of 4 | 189 yd | Academy converter | No | Mixed | More About School |
Badocks Wood E-ACT Academy Doncaster Road , Southmead BS10 5PU | 1out of 4 | 694 yd | Academy sponsor led | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
St Ursula's E-ACT Academy Brecon Road , Westbury-on-Trym BS9 4DT | 3out of 4 | 1,115 yd | Academy sponsor led | Not Applicable | Mixed | More About School |
Little Mead Primary Academy Gosforth Road , BS10 6DS | 4out of 4 | 1,243 yd | Academy converter | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
Elmlea Junior School The Dell , Westbury-on-Trym BS9 3UF | 4out of 4 | 1,438 yd | Academy converter | No | Mixed | More About School |
Ofsted Overall Effectiveness | Distance | Establishment Type | Has Nursery Classes | Gender | More Info | |
Bristol Free School Concorde Drive , Westbury-on-Trym BS10 6NJ | 2out of 4 | 667 yd | Free schools | No | Mixed | More About School |
Blaise High School Station Road , Henbury BS10 7QH | 1out of 4 | 1,906 yd | Academy sponsor led | No | Mixed | More About School |
Orchard School Bristol Filton Road , Horfield BS7 0XZ | 3out of 4 | 2,708 yd | Academy sponsor led | Not Applicable | Mixed | More About School |
Redland Green School Redland Court Road , Redland BS6 7EH | 4out of 4 | 2,998 yd | Academy converter | No | Mixed | More About School |
St Bede's Catholic College Long Cross , Lawrence Weston BS11 0SU | 3out of 4 | 3,216 yd | Academy converter | Not Applicable | Mixed | More About School |
Ofsted Overall Effectiveness | Distance | Establishment Type | Has Nursery Classes | Gender | More Info | |
South Gloucestershire and Stroud College Filton Avenue , BS34 7AT | - not rated | 4,115 yd | Further education | Not Applicable | Mixed | More About School |
Ofsted Overall Effectiveness | Distance | Establishment Type | Has Nursery Classes | Gender | More Info | |
Elmfield School for Deaf Children Greystoke Avenue , Westbury-on-Trym BS10 6AY | 3out of 4 | 280 yd | Community special school | Yes | Mixed | More About School |
Redmaids' High School Westbury Road , Westbury-on-Trym BS9 3AW | - not rated | 766 yd | Other independent school | No | Girls | More About School |
Grace Garden School Cherry Orchards , Canford Lane BS9 3PE | - not rated | 1,293 yd | Other independent special school | Not Applicable | Mixed | More About School |
Badminton School Westbury Road , Westbury-on-Trym BS9 3BA | - not rated | 1,329 yd | Other independent school | Yes | Girls | More About School |
North Star 82 Rectory Gardens , Henbury BS10 7AH | - not rated | 1,685 yd | Academy special converter | Not Applicable | Mixed | More About School |
School statistics for this postcode are based on Ofsted rankings.
Business Name | Address | Food hygiene rating | Distance |
Westbury Wildlife Park Foundation | Westbury Wildlife Park, Trym Road | 217 yd | |
Il Sapore Restaurant | 38 High Street | 264 yd | |
Goongnoi | 54 High Street | 264 yd | |
Crescent Cafe | 46 High Street | 264 yd | |
Westbury Mezze | 63 High Street | 283 yd |
Business Name | Address | Food hygiene rating | Distance |
White Lion Ember | The White Lion, Passage Road | 175 yd | |
The White Horse | 24 High Street | 264 yd | |
The Victoria | The Victoria, 20 Chock Lane | 282 yd | |
The Mouse | The Mouse, Waters Lane | 386 yd | |
Westbury Mens Club | Westbury On Trym Mens Club, 2 Stoke Lane | 491 yd |
Business Name | Address | Food hygiene rating | Distance |
Westbury Fish Bar | 14 Church Road | 254 yd | |
Blue Fish | 69 High Street | 306 yd | |
Indian Kitchen | 61 High Street | 306 yd | |
Dominos Pizza | Unit 1, Shore House, 68 Westbury Hill | 384 yd | |
Best Grill Kebab House | 211 Wellington Hill West | 963 yd |
Business Name | Address | Food hygiene rating | Distance |
Co-op | 12 Carlton Court, Canford Lane | 450 yd |
Facility Name | Sport Objects | Distance |
Elmfield School For Deaf Children GREYSTOKE AVENUE | 247 yd | |
Westbury On Trym Village Hall EASTFIELD ROAD | 353 yd | |
David Lloyd Club (Bristol Westbury) GREYSTOKE AVENUE | health and fitness suite, indoor tennis centre, squash courts, swimming pool, tennis courts | 419 yd |
Badocks Wood Recreation Field Off Doncaster Road | grass pitches | 461 yd |
Greenway Centre GREENWAY CENTRE GREENWAY CENTRE DONCASTER ROAD | grass pitches, health and fitness suite | 634 yd |
Redmaids High School (Senior Campus) WESTBURY ROAD | artificial grass pitch, grass pitches, health and fitness suite | 686 yd |
Canford Park CANFORD LANE | grass pitches, tennis courts | 761 yd |
Bristol Free School CHARLTON ROAD | 802 yd | |
Southmead Adventure Playground DONCASTER ROAD | artificial grass pitch | 984 yd |
This statistics are based on Active Places Data - Contains Data © Sport England
Percentage of premises that have Superfast Broadband (30Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband | 100.0% |
Percentage of premises that have Ultrafast Broadband (100Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband | 33.3% |
Percentage of premises that have Ultrafast Broadband (300Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband | 33.3% |
Percentage of premises that have coverage from a Gigabit capable service from fixed broadband | 33.3% |
Percentage of premises unable to receive 2Mbit/s | 0.0% |
Percentage of premises unable to receive 5Mbit/s | 0.0% |
Percentage of premises unable to receive 10Mbit/s | 0.0% |
Percentage of premises unable to receive 30Mbit/s | 0.0% |
Broadband statistics are based on Ofcom's Communications Market Report (CMR) 2022.