Overview of BS7 9NL

  • People
  • Culture
  • Safety
  • Affluence
  • Property Prices
    Average Price: £303,773
  • Employment
  • Schools
  • Food And Drink
  • Sport
  • Broadband
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Allfoxton Road is in Bristol and in City Of Bristol district. BS7 9NL is located in the Lockleaze electoral ward, within the English Parliamentary constituency of Bristol North West. This postcode has been in use since 1980-01-01.

StreetScan combines information about Allfoxton Road, Bristol, BS7 9NL and displays a report on the quality of life in this place and its surroundings.

Nearby postcodes are: BS7 9NJ, BS5 6XN, BS5 6XL, BS7 9NH, BS7 9NG, BS5 6XJ, BS5 6XW, BS2 9XB, BS5 6XH.



In the UK, the overall gender distribution is approximately 49% male and 51% female. The area surrounding BS7 9NL has a slightly higher male population, with 52.3% of residents being male. Several factors can contribute to this, including areas with industries or sectors that predominantly employ men, proximity to universities or technical schools with a higher enrollment of male students, presence of all-male or predominantly male institutions (military academies, boarding schools).

2011202110y change (pp)UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
Female54.5%47.7%-6.8% 51.0% -3.3%
Male45.5%52.3%6.8% 49.0% 3.3%

Partnership Status

Across the UK, the average relationship status breakdown is roughly 44% married, 38% single, 9% divorced, 6% widowed, and 2% separated.

In the immediate area around BS7 9NL, a significant portion of the population is single, making up 51.4% of the residents. On average, approximately 38% of individuals who responded to the census in the UK were single. Areas with higher single populations are typically urban centers, university towns, regions with dynamic job markets, rich cultural offerings and entertainment facilities. These regions also tend to have a younger demographic.

2011202110y change (pp)UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
Single45.9%51.4%5.5% 37.9% 13.5%
Married: Opposite sex35.6%34.7%-0.9% 44.2% -9.5%
Separated4.8%4%-0.8% 2.2% 1.8%
Divorced7.2%7.1%-0.1% 9.1% -2.0%
Widowed6.5%2.8%-3.7% 6.1% -3.3%


Across the UK, the average 48.4% rated their health as Very Good, 33.6% as Good, 12.7% as Fair, 4% as Bad, and 1.2% as Very Bad.

Population age significantly impacts residents' health. Additionally, socioeconomic status plays a crucial role: higher income levels and lower poverty rates are linked to better health outcomes. Affluent areas benefit from higher living standards, access to private healthcare, and healthier lifestyle choices.

2011202110y change (pp)UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
Very good health43.8%48.1%4.3% 48.4% -0.3%
Good health32.5%33.3%0.8% 33.6% -0.3%
Fair health17%13.6%-3.4% 12.7% 0.9%
Bad health6%4.5%-1.5% 4.0% 0.5%
Very bad health0.7%0.5%-0.2% 1.2% -0.7%

Education and Qualifications

During the 2021 census, the educational qualifications of residents across the UK were as follows: 18.2% had no qualifications, 9.6% had 1-4 GCSEs, 13.4% had 5 or more GCSEs and 1-2 A/AS Levels, 16.9% had 2 or more A Levels, 33.8% held a degree (or equivalent), and 5.4% had completed an apprenticeship.

2011202110y change (pp)UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
No qualifications27.1%23.2%-3.9% 18.2% 5.0%
1-4 GCSEs or Equivalent 15.8%10.5%-5.3% 9.6% 0.9%
5 or more GCSEs, an A-Level or 1-2 AS Levels15.4%14.6%-0.8% 13.4% 1.2%
Apprenticeship3.8%3.1%-0.7% 5.3% -2.2%
HNC, HND or 2+ A Levels12.7%15.2%2.5% 16.9% -1.7%
Degree or Similar15.8%29.7%13.9% 33.8% -4.1%
Other9.6%3.7%-5.9% 2.8% 0.9%


Ethnic Group

In this area, the population is more ethnically diverse compared to the UK average. While 44% of the residents identify as white, which is lower than the UK average of 81.4%, there are significant representations of other ethnic groups.

2011202110y change (pp)UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
Bangladeshi7.4%8.1%0.7% 1.1% 7.0%
Chinese1.2%0.2%-1.0% 0.7% -0.5%
Indian1.9%1.2%-0.7% 3.1% -1.9%
Pakistani9.6%7.4%-2.2% 2.7% 4.7%
Other Asian1%1.4%0.4% 1.6% -0.2%
Black African9.6%23.3%13.7% 2.5% 20.8%
Black Caribbean6.5%5.2%-1.3% 1.0% 4.2%
Other Black14.6%0.7%-13.9% 0.5% 0.2%
Mixed White and Asian0%0.7%0.7% 0.8% -0.1%
Mixed White and African0.2%0.5%0.3% 0.4% 0.1%
Mixed White and Caribbean1.9%2.6%0.7% 0.9% 1.7%
Mixed Other1.4%1%-0.4% 0.8% 0.2%
White42.8%44%1.2% 81.4% -37.4%
Gypsy or Irish Traveller1.2%0%-1.2% 0.1% -0.1%
Arab0.5%1%0.5% 0.6% 0.4%
Other0.2%2.6%2.4% 1.6% 1.0%

Country of Birth

In this area, 75.5% of the population were born in the United Kingdom, which is similar to the UK average of 83.2%.

2011202110y change (pp)UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
United Kingdom66.7%75.5%8.8% 83.2% -7.7%
European Union6%3.5%-2.5% 6.1% -2.6%
Africa17.7%10.6%-7.1% 2.7% 7.9%
Middle East and Asia8.9%7.8%-1.1% 5.6% 2.2%
The Americas and the Caribbean0.7%2.6%1.9% 1.3% 1.3%

Length of Residence

2011202110y change (pp)UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
Born in the UK65.6%75.1%9.5% 83.2% -8.1%
10+ Years3.8%20.2%16.4% 9.8% 10.4%
5-10 Years3.3%1.6%-1.7% 2.9% -1.3%
2-5 Years13.2%1.4%-11.8% 2.2% -0.8%
Less than 2 years14.1%1.6%-12.5% 1.9% -0.3%

Passport Held

2021UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
United Kingdom83.1% 76.7% 6.4%
France0.5% 0.3% 0.2%
Germany0.5% 0.2% 0.3%
Italy0.5% 0.6% -0.1%
Portugal0.2% 0.5% -0.3%
Spain0.2% 0.4% -0.2%
Romania0.9% 0.9% 0.0%
Other EU countries1.9% 1.5% 0.4%
Southern Asia0.2% 1.2% -1.0%
Central Asia0.2% 0.0% 0.2%
North America and the Caribbean0.7% 0.3% 0.4%
Central and South America0.2% 0.2% 0.0%
No passport held10.8% 13.5% -2.7%


2021UK Averagepostcode vs UK (pp)
No religion35% 37.2% -2.2%
Christian19.7% 46.2% -26.5%
Buddhist0.2% 0.5% -0.3%
Muslim39.7% 6.5% 33.2%
Sikh1.6% 0.9% 0.7%
Other religion0.5% 0.6% -0.1%
Not answered3.3% 6.0% -2.7%


Is Allfoxton Road dangerous?

In 2023, 650 crimes were reported near Allfoxton Road . 18% of streets in the UK are more dangerous. This street can be considered dangerous. The most common type of crime was violence and sexual offences. Crime rate was measured within a 0.5 mile radius of BS7 9NL. Click here to see crime on map and more crime statistics for BS7 9NL.

Crime statistics are based on data provided by Home Office through data.police.uk under the Open Government Licence.

More Crime Statistics for Allfoxton Road, Bristol, BS7 9NL


Household Income

Households in this area have a similar level of wealth to the average household in England and Wales. 53% of analyzed areas in England and Wales have higher average household annual income than this area.

Average Household Income
Income Rank

Household Income in BS7 9NL, Local Authority and Region


Property Prices

Average property prices on Allfoxton Road are based on 22 property sales since the beginning of 1995. Estimated property prices are calculated by adjusting the last sale price by current House Price Index for City Of Bristol.
StreetScan downloads house price data directly from the HM Land Registry and uses it to create these statistics.

Estimated Average Property Prices for BS7 9NL

Average Price
no sales
no sales
no sales
no sales

Estimated Average Property Prices for Allfoxton Road

Average Price
no sales
no sales
no sales
no sales
no sales

Property Prices Comparison

Latest Property Sales on Allfoxton Road

Address Sale Price Sale Date Price Estimate 2023
45 Allfoxton Road, Bristol, City Of Bristol
Semi-Detached, an established residential building
£157,5002015-03-13 £285,059
17 Allfoxton Road, Bristol, City Of Bristol
Semi-Detached, an established residential building
£125,0002010-03-23 £287,776
35 Allfoxton Road, Bristol, City Of Bristol
Semi-Detached, an established residential building
£187,8002007-03-16 £422,882
21 Allfoxton Road, Bristol, City Of Bristol
Semi-Detached, an established residential building
£118,0002005-09-20 £301,906
43 Allfoxton Road, Bristol, City Of Bristol
Semi-Detached, an established residential building
£70,0002005-04-25 £182,709


The percentage of student residents living in BS7 9NL area is much higher than the country's average. Usually places with high percentage of students are near Universities and near entertainment places.

Economic Activity

Full-Time Employee93
Part-Time Employee43
Student (economically inactive)31
Looking after home or family25
Long-Term Sick or disabled20
Full-Time Student (with or without job)20

Employment Industry

Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles37
Human health and social work activities22
Transport and storage15
Administrative and support service activities10
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security8
Accommodation and food service activities7
Financial and insurance activities6
Real estate activities5
Information and communication3
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 1
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities1
Professional, scientific and technical activities1



Ofsted Overall Effectiveness Distance Establishment Type Has Nursery Classes Gender More Info
St Werburghs Park Nursery School
Glenfrome Road , St Werburgh's BS2 9UX
3out of 4 527 yd Local authority nursery school Yes Mixed More About School
St Pauls Nursery School & Children's Centre
Little Bishop Street , St Paul's BS2 9JF
4out of 4 1,763 yd Local authority nursery school Yes Mixed More About School
Filton Avenue Nursery School
Blakeney Road , Horfield BS7 0DL
4out of 4 1,843 yd Local authority nursery school Yes Mixed More About School
The Limes Nursery School
Johnsons Road , Whitehall BS5 9AT
3out of 4 1,922 yd Local authority nursery school Yes Mixed More About School
Rosemary Nursery School and Children's Centre
Haviland House , St Judes BS2 0DT
4out of 4 2,212 yd Local authority nursery school Yes Mixed More About School


Ofsted Overall Effectiveness Distance Establishment Type Has Nursery Classes Gender More Info
St Werburgh's Primary School
James Street , St Werburgh's BS2 9US
- not rated 595 yd Academy converter No Mixed More About School
Sefton Park Infant School
Ashley Down Road , Ashley Down BS7 9BJ
4out of 4 671 yd Community school Yes Mixed More About School
Sefton Park Junior School
Ashley Down Road , Ashley Down BS7 9BJ
3out of 4 671 yd Community school No Mixed More About School
Brunel Field Primary School
Arthur Milton Street , BS7 9JT
4out of 4 811 yd Community school No Mixed More About School
Glenfrome Primary School
Cottisford Road , Eastville BS5 6TY
3out of 4 835 yd Community school No Mixed More About School


Ofsted Overall Effectiveness Distance Establishment Type Has Nursery Classes Gender More Info
Fairfield High School
Allfoxton Road , Horfield BS7 9NL
3out of 4 30 yd Academy converter No Mixed More About School
Trinity Academy
Romney Avenue , Lockleaze BS7 9BY
- not rated 1,596 yd Free schools No Mixed More About School
Montpelier High School
Cheltenham Road , BS6 5RD
4out of 4 1,648 yd Academy sponsor led Not Applicable Girls More About School
The City Academy Bristol
Russell Town Avenue , BS5 9JH
3out of 4 2,059 yd Academy sponsor led Not Applicable Mixed More About School
Redland Green School
Redland Court Road , Redland BS6 7EH
4out of 4 2,321 yd Academy converter No Mixed More About School

16 plus

Ofsted Overall Effectiveness Distance Establishment Type Has Nursery Classes Gender More Info
City of Bristol College
St George's Road , Anchor Road BS1 5UA
- not rated 3,834 yd Further education Not Applicable Mixed More About School
South Gloucestershire and Stroud College
Filton Avenue , BS34 7AT
- not rated 4,845 yd Further education Not Applicable Mixed More About School

Not applicable

Ofsted Overall Effectiveness Distance Establishment Type Has Nursery Classes Gender More Info
Bristol Hospital Education Service
Falkland Road , Montpelier BS6 5JL
4out of 4 980 yd Pupil referral unit Not Applicable Mixed More About School
Colston's School
Colston's School , Stapleton BS16 1BJ
- not rated 1,447 yd Other independent school Yes Mixed More About School
North Bristol Post 16 Centre
Charnwood House , 30 Cotham Park BS6 6BU
- not rated 2,332 yd Sixth form centres No Mixed More About School
Andalusia Academy Bristol
Old School Building , St Matthias Park BS2 0BA
- not rated 2,400 yd Other independent school No Mixed More About School
Claremont School
Henleaze Park , Westbury-on-Trym BS9 4LR
3out of 4 2,544 yd Community special school Yes Mixed More About School

School statistics for this postcode are based on Ofsted rankings.

Food and Drink

Restaurants, Cafes, Canteens

Business Name Address Food hygiene rating Distance
Dragons DelicacyEastgate Oriental Centre, Eastgate Road317 yd
The Old LibraryEastville Library, Muller Road361 yd
The Old LibraryEastville Library, Muller Road361 yd
Burger KingBurger King, Eastgate Centre, Eastgate Road383 yd
Ikea RestaurantIkea Ltd, Eastgate Road383 yd

Pubs, Bars, Nightclubs

Business Name Address Food hygiene rating Distance
The Victoria40 James Street571 yd
The Miners ArmsMiners Arms, 136 Mina Road575 yd
The Black SwanBlack Swan, 438 Stapleton Road800 yd
The Duke of York2 Jubilee Road949 yd
Bristol Central Lawn Tennis ClubBristol Central Tennis Club, Happy Lane1,029 yd

Takeaway, Sandwich Shops

Business Name Address Food hygiene rating Distance
Sushi ShopUnit 1, Eastgate Road376 yd
ZUMUKUEDITIONSUnits 1 To 3, Eastgate Office Centre, Eastgate Road383 yd
Oowee DinerUnit 1 Glenfrome House, Eastgate Road416 yd
Chicken & BluesGlenfrome House, Eastgate Road416 yd
Deliveroo SP LtdUnit 1 Glenfrome House, Eastgate Road416 yd

Supermarkets, Hypermarkets

Business Name Address Food hygiene rating Distance
Wai Yee Hong LimitedWai Yee Hong, Eastgate Oriental Centre, Eastgate Road443 yd
Marks & SpencerUnit J, Eastgate Centre, Eastgate Road443 yd
Tesco ExtraTesco Stores Ltd, Eastgate Road690 yd
Alfu International442-450 Stapleton Road800 yd
Sonnis46 Mina Road832 yd


Facility Name Sport Objects Distance
Fairfield High School
Allfoxton Road
artificial grass pitch180 yd
St Thomas More Catholic Secondary School (Closed)
Stottbury Road
248 yd
Bristol Central Tennis Club
tennis courts907 yd
Evergreen Primary Academy
grass pitches1,027 yd
Gloucestershire County Cricket Club
grass pitches, health and fitness suite, squash courts, tennis courts1,044 yd

This statistics are based on Active Places Data - Contains Data © Sport England


Technology Aviability

Percentage of premises that have Superfast Broadband (30Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband 100.0%
Percentage of premises that have Ultrafast Broadband (100Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband 100.0%
Percentage of premises that have Ultrafast Broadband (300Mbit/s or greater) coverage from fixed broadband 100.0%
Percentage of premises that have coverage from a Gigabit capable service from fixed broadband 100.0%

Speed Aviability

Percentage of premises unable to receive 2Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 5Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 10Mbit/s0.0%
Percentage of premises unable to receive 30Mbit/s0.0%

Download Speed

Median download speed100 Mbit/s
Average download speed211.7 Mbit/s
Minimum download speed1000 Mbit/s
Maximum download speed1000 Mbit/s

Upload Speed

Median upload speed10 Mbit/s
Average upload speed17.3 Mbit/s
Maximum upload speed50 Mbit/s

Broadband statistics are based on Ofcom's Communications Market Report (CMR) 2022.